Evolution of human rights, undue influence, and assistance to victims
FECRIS European Conference 2024 – Stuttgart
“30 Years of FECRIS”
Saturday, June 15, 2024, from 9:00am to 5:00pm
Interpretation: French/English/German
Parkhotel Stuttgart Messe-Airport
Filderbahnstrasse 2, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 70771
André Frédéric, President of FECRIS, AVISO – Help for victims of sects/cults (Belgium)
Danièle Muller-Tulli, President of Honor, ASDFI (Switzerland)
30 years of FECRIS
Mirijam Wiedemann, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Baden-Württemberg
Faith and human rights – a complex relationship in the context of governmental work (Germany)
Jean-Pierre Jougla, President of the FECRIS Scientific Committee (France)
Artificial intelligence and its potential use by cultic/sectarian organizations (questions-discussion)
Linda and Rod Dubrow-Marshall, by video conference, from the University of Salford (United Kingdom)
Transcript of talk: Evolution of understandings regarding undue influence in cults/sects and how this can inform recovery – Video
Donatien Le Vaillant, Head of MIVILUDES[1] (France)
Recent improvements of the victims’ rights of sectarian aberrations in France
Piotr Chrzczonowicz, PhD – assistant professor in the Chair of Human Rights, Department of Law and Administration, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland)
Ulrike Schiesser, Managing Director, Federal Centre for Sectarian Affairs, (Austria)
Testimonies by former members of ex-members of a cult dissolved in 1990.
Luigi Corvaglia, psychologist, [2]CeSAP – (Italy)
Mind Games and green washing: the argumentative fallacies of cult apologists
Sonya Jougla, clinical psychologist, specialising in cultic/sectarian control and victimology. Co-founder of the University Diploma in “Cultic/Sectarian influence and the process of vulnerability”. Paris Descartes Faculty of Medicine (France)
Developments in victim support
Note: We add the text prepared for the occasion but not read as she was sick, by Sarah Pohl – Zebra BW, Graduate in pedagogy, systemic counsellor for couples and families (FFAK), HP for psychotherapy (Germany)
[1] Mission Interministérielle de Vigilance et de Lutte Contre les Dérives Sectaires
[2] Centro Studi Abusi Psicologici – ONLUS – Bari, Italia
s Bundesstelle für Sektenfragen,Vienna