Women in cults, gurus and victims
Saturday, 21 May 2016
State University for Library Studies and Information Technologies
119, Tzarigradsko shose, Sofia
organised by the
European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Cults and Sects (FECRIS)
and hosted by
The Canter for Research of New Religious Movements (CRNRM), Sofia, Bulgaria
Welcome by the President, Danièle Muller-Tulli (CH)
Welcome, by Professor Stoyan Denchev, Rector of SULSIT (BG)
Catherine Picard, President of “Union nationale des Associations de défense des Familles et de l’Individu” (UNADFI) (FR)
Sexual assault as an attack on the dignity of women in cults
Professor Ivan Zhelev Dimitrov, President of CRNRM (BG)
The Role of Women in Cults in Bulgaria
Roman Silantiev, Professor of Islamic studies in the Moscow State Linguistic University (RU)
Women in the Islamic destructive cults – the example of Russia
Jean-Pierre Jougla, President of the FECRIS Scientific Committee (FR)
Presentation of a study prepared by the FECRIS Scientific Committee (French branch)
Francine Caumel-Dauphin, Secretary General of the Centre Contre les Manipulations Mentales (CCMM) (FR)
Serge Blisko, President of the “Mission Interministérielle de Vigilance et de Lutte contre Les Dérives Sectaires” (MIVILUDES) (FR)
Undue Influence: is there a specific approach for women?
Janja Lalich, Head of the FECRIS Scientific Committee’s English Speaking Branch (USA)
Goodbye Mother: Children of Cults Leaving on Their Own and Starting Over
Preliminary Findings on Research on Children of Cults – Presentation
Luigi Corvaglia, Psychologist, President of CeSAP (IT)
Mothers in cults. An insecure base + prezi presentation
Alexandre Cauchois, author of “The Unusual and Secret History of Jehovah’s Witnesses” (FR)
The status of women in this organisation
Eric Robert, President of the Justice of the peace and police in the Belgian Province of Luxembourg (BE)
The limit between religious convictions and imposed dress codes. Is Freedom of dress absolute?
Joni Valkila, Director of UUT (FI)
Testimony from a young Laestadian
Testimony of direct and collateral victims:
Danièle-Muller-Tulli, President of FECRIS
Annex: Testimony of Nicole Schneider author of “Seven years under influence”, follower of the Guru Guy-Claude Burger